DIY Product Alternatives

In previous articles in our hazardous waste series, we’ve discussed what makes a product a hazardous waste, how to properly dispose of them, the environmental impacts of improperly disposed waste, and discussed resources for learning more about products in your home. This article is the fourth and final article in[…]

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What’s in Your Everyday Household Cleaners?

In previous articles in our hazardous waste series, we’ve discussed what household hazardous wastes are, how to dispose of them properly, and the impacts of improper disposal. In article three, we’ll be discussing some of the unknowingly harmful ingredients lurking in everyday items in our household! Nowadays, when we go[…]

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Household Hazardous Waste Survey Summary

Kensington North Watersheds Association has partnered with Environment and Climate Change Canada on a hazardous waste stewardship pilot project, and we would like to thank everyone who participated in our survey, both online or by mail! We sent out approximately 2,315 surveys to residents in the Kensington North area and[…]

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Potato Industry Sustainability

A Major Step to Improve Sustainability by Potato Industry Potato growers, processors, grower organizations, and national potato and horticultural councils from across Canada and the U.S. are breaking ground to create a single program to improve the sustainability of potato production. The Potato Sustainability Initiative uses a survey of 105[…]

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Agr-Environmental Partnerships

Growing Sustainable Agr-Environmental Partnerships in PEI Kensington North Watersheds Association and local farmers are working together for a sustainable agriculture system in PEI. On Monday March 12th in the Crop Insurance building in Kensington local agriculture producers met for the annual Kensington North Farmers meeting. A successful turnout with over[…]

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Healthy Soils, Profitable Farms

The collective knowledge of our soils on PEI has revealed some trends that are causing some alarm and encouraging farmers to review soil management practices. For several years, soil organic matter levels have been decreasing across the province, according to the 2012 Soil Quality Monitoring Report (Link: Soil organic matter[…]

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Oilseed Radish

Improving Soil Health with Oilseed Radish  Soil compaction is a concern for many farms, as heavy machinery contributes to forming a hardpan that roots have difficulty penetrating. Compacted soil also does not permit sufficient amounts of air to be in contact with roots. Cover crops assist farmers by suppressing weeds,[…]

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CleanFARMS Program

CleanFARMS means a Cleaner Environment Farmers in the Maritimes are leading the agricultural sector in collecting and disposing of obsolete farm chemicals, livestock medications, and seed bags in a safe manner. The CleanFARMS program was created in 1998 to develop and promote work that had first started in the Maritimes[…]

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