Bats play a vital role not only in our ecosystems but also in our economies! Because bats eat so many insects, they decrease the need for use of chemical pesticides in agriculture, and they also produce guano (bat droppings) that is rich in nitrogen and can act as a natural[…]
Special Projects
Household Hazardous Waste Recap
Recently, Kensington North Watersheds Association has been reaching out to households, local businesses, and the agricultural community to raise awareness on the risks of hazardous waste and encourage proper disposal. We released a series of articles on hazardous wastes describing everything from what hazardous wastes are and how to get[…]
Summertime Household Hazardous Waste Reminder
Summer is officially here on PEI, and a major part of any PEI summer is spending time outdoors. We may not think of it, but many of the outdoor activities we participate in over the summer require the use of hazardous products, and need special attention when it comes to[…]
DIY Product Alternatives
In previous articles in our hazardous waste series, we’ve discussed what makes a product a hazardous waste, how to properly dispose of them, the environmental impacts of improperly disposed waste, and discussed resources for learning more about products in your home. This article is the fourth and final article in[…]
What’s in Your Everyday Household Cleaners?
In previous articles in our hazardous waste series, we’ve discussed what household hazardous wastes are, how to dispose of them properly, and the impacts of improper disposal. In article three, we’ll be discussing some of the unknowingly harmful ingredients lurking in everyday items in our household! Nowadays, when we go[…]
Household Hazardous Waste Survey Summary
Kensington North Watersheds Association has partnered with Environment and Climate Change Canada on a hazardous waste stewardship pilot project, and we would like to thank everyone who participated in our survey, both online or by mail! We sent out approximately 2,315 surveys to residents in the Kensington North area and[…]
What are Household Hazardous Wastes and What do I do with them?
Kensington North Watersheds recently conducted a survey to households in our area on household hazardous wastes as part of our pilot project in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada. We received lots of great feedback on what products people use, how they’re most commonly disposing of their products, and[…]
What are the Effects of Household Hazardous Wastes?
In the first article in our series on hazardous wastes, we discussed what makes a product a hazardous waste and what to do with the product if you want to dispose of an unwanted quantity of it, but why does any of this matter? What are the impacts of improper[…]
Bio-Reactor Constructed in Darnley
KNWSA has recently constructed a bio-reactor, or bio-filter, to capture nitrates from tile drainage in a small tributary to Darnley Basin. We have previously planted trees in this same small riparian zone on the property of Hickey Farms in Darnley. The location was thought to be a good site to[…]